This year's High Holidays will be different.... unless you've been part of our annual slacker services we’ve been providing for many years.
The slacker service was created for the many of you that don’t have the ability, time, or interest to be in a synagogue for hours on end listening to prayers you don’t understand.
So we catered a half hour outdoor service. You’ll get all the highlights, especially the Shofar, and even a chance to cast away your sins (not assuming or judging....:just in case...)
This year as the COVID-19 restrictions won’t allow us to rent our usual posh Alden Castle - we invite you to join us for a mini outdoor social distancing HH experience - you can stay/stand as close, or as far, from the action pending your comfort levels.
To avoid too large of a crowd we will be making 4 separate services.
First Service: 12:00 PM
Second Service: 1:00 PM
Third Service: 4:00 PM
Third Service: 5:30 PM
The name of the street is called Riverway, but it's an open space that doesn't really have a specific address. It is opposite the Boston University Fenway Campus. (See the photo below for better understanding of where we are referring to.)
Sunday, September 20th, 2020
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:30 pm