The Chai Center
The Chabad Chai Center is your place in Brookline for spiritual guidance, Jewish Holiday events, Shabbat dinners, Passover Seders, traditions and culture for families in the Brookline area.
The Chai Center is dedicated to providing every Jew regardless of background, philosophy or level of commitment, an open door environment for strengthening and enhancing Jewish family life. The Chai Center serves individuals and families looking for an anchor and non-judgmental, accepting, personalized Jewish experience.
The Chai Center offers “Digestible Judaism,” and a home away from home for everyone who walks through its doors.
YJP-Young Jewish Professionals
The Chai Centers YJP serves as a hub for social and educational activities for any Jew that moves — serving primarily the thousands of Jewish Young Adults living and working in and around the Brookline and Boston area.
Meet, network and socialize with other young Jewish adults including professionals and business people in their 20’s and 30’s in a welcoming, congenial, stylish and relaxed setting with a spirited vibe.
In just over 5 years The Chai Center had become the most popular and sought-after organization for the 52,000 young Jewish adults in the Greater Boston and Brookline area. Offering religious as well as social activities that act to connect and enrich members of the Jewish young adult community of Boston and Brookline and act as a gateway into the broader Jewish community.Each year the Chabad Chai Center of Brookline introduces new events and program.
The Chabad Chai Center of Brookline provides
*Free High Holiday services to thousands of Jews who might not have gone otherwise
*Over 3,000 meals served at Friday night dinners for young adults in their 20s & 30s
*Shabbat Dinners
*The largest Chanukah party in Boston - attended by over 600 young adults at Jillian's Lucky Strike
*Holiday parties for young adults.
*Chai Kidz Division including holiday programs, library story hour, workshops and a new Hebrew School opening September 2010
*The Friendship Circle which provides social and religious opportunities for children with special needs
*Weekly Shabbat services and lunch
*Smile On Seniors
*Weekly Torah classes
*Young Adult cultural workshops
*Public Passover Seders
*Officiation at over 10 weddings this year, precipitated by Chai Center social programs
*A Facebook group serving over 800 young adult members
*Weekly Etorah email with a circulation of over 1800