

Student Information

What school does your child attend? Grade entering:

Is the natural mother of the child Jewish? Yes No

Were there any conversions or adoptions in your family? Yes No

If yes, please describe:

Parent Information

I heard about the Bat Mitzvah Club from:

Bat Mitzvah Club Tuition Agreement

The following is a tuition agreement for the Bat Mitzvah Club. The agreement explains the tuition fees and payments plans . Please read it through carefully. If paying by check or cash, Registration fee of $50 must be submitted to the office before any child will be permitted to attend the club.

The tuition for the Bat Mitzvah Club is $200.00 per year (includes members kit, supplies and registration fee).

Your FULL name here:

This form is secure and encrypted
Visa Mastercard American Express Discover
Credit Card number:
Expiration date: (MM/YYYY)
CVV Security Code:
What's This?
$200 per person or pay installments $50

Look out for the first session date of BMC for the 2018-2019 school year!

We Look Forward to a Fun Filled and Enriching Year!