
Student Information



What school does your child attend?    Grade entering: 

Is the natural mother of the child Jewish?  Yes  No

Were there any conversions or adoptions in your family?  Yes  No

If yes, please describe:


Parent Information








 I heard about BMW - Bar Mitzvah Woodworking from:


Bar Mitzvah Club Tuition

The tuition for "BMW" is $125, (includes supplies and registration fee). A minimum installment of $50 is required before participating.

Your FULL name here:

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Visa     Mastercard     American Express     Discover
Credit Card number:
Expiration date:  (MM/YYYY)     
CVV Security Code:  
What's This?  
Choose $125 - full tuition, or two installments of $62.50

 We Look Forward to a Fun Filled and Enriching Year!